2010年11月29日 星期一


◎Terry Huang



歐巴馬是週末一早就到白宮附近的麥克奈爾堡基地體育館,和親友及幕僚組成兩支5人籃球隊,進行5場比賽。最後一場比賽中,他貼身防守一名球員,不料對方一個轉身投籃,手肘猛力撞上他的上唇。隨後,守候在館外的攝影記者拍到歐巴馬身穿短袖T恤和運動褲,自己用紗布按住嘴唇,快步進入座車。歐巴馬回到白宮後,接受白宮醫療小組治療,局部麻醉後縫了12針云云。撞傷總統的是國會西裔人士研究中心主任狄瑟瑞加(Rey Decerega)。他當天在書面聲明中只說「總統是難纏的對手,也是優秀的運動員」,和他打籃球「很愉快」。書面聲明並沒有道歉




2010年11月11日 星期四


歐洲學者認為台灣有亡國可能 /佛國喬


Les aléas politiques du rapprochement commercial-18 novembre 2009)•François Danjou


 台灣愈來愈被中國市場所魅惑,北京看準這個弱點,這一次不再採取耀武揚威的手段對付台灣;十 一月九日 ,一個不少於三千人的代表團,在江蘇省黨書記的指導下,登上該島參與了所謂的「江蘇週在台灣」,江蘇是全中國在國際上最活躍的省份之一。從時興產業到傳統產業,有三百家台灣代工及地方廠牌廠商赴了此約會,他們想要取得中國合約,或者增加在中國的能見度。兩岸商人文化與語言的相近,這項交流趨勢雖早已發生,但此刻還盼望能有助經濟復甦;不過,它之所以會加速進行,還是歸因於馬英九在政策上的鼓勵,而中國對台灣的吸引力也回應了此政策。


 江蘇代表團熱熱鬧鬧登台後一週,Taipei Times以電話訪問了一些歐洲的兩岸事務專家,他們紛紛警告中國正在利用台灣的經濟傾斜,向該島伸出政治黑手,他們還要馬英九總統千萬提防,並且堅持應該在島內有廣大的政治共識下,才能在兩岸政治關係的趨近上有所行動。文中,這些專家也強調表示:反對黨與一些國民黨立委譴責馬總統在兩岸政治關係的趨近上,以急行軍方式往前衝,毫無反對黨與人民置喙餘地,這些反對人士也指控北京愈來愈把經濟與政治混在一起,以播放熱比婭影片為由,操作中國觀光客杯葛南部就是鐵證。





 因著該島與大陸加速進行經貿結合,台灣的政治圈有了愈來愈多的擔憂,對於這些擔憂,義大利Institut MarieCurie的Nicola Casarini教授在十一月十六日 下了一個評語:「下一次的台灣總統大選將至關重要,我們活在一個歷史時刻裡,其中,美歐皆不計條件地想要和中國妥協,由此為了和平,台灣可能會被犧牲掉..,台灣的現狀,已經是真真切切必需擔心它是否能持續下去了,如果我們還在認為沒什麼大事會發生,那所存在的風險,就是台灣自己任人迅雷不及掩耳地取走。」
(Nicola Casarini 為歐洲知名的中國專家)

2010年11月9日 星期二

True Face of China

By Dan Bloom

Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) was not kidding when he recently warned that improving cultural ties with China would face more challenges. He was speaking about the brouhaha over Chinese delegation head Jiang Ping’s (江平) tyrannical outburst at the Tokyo International Film Festival, where he insisted that Taiwan take part under a Beijing-blessed name, such as “Chinese Taipei” or “Taiwan, China.” The nerve, the nerve.

It’s one thing for Beijing to insist on playing by its own rules inside China, but to start pushing around sovereign countries like Japan and Taiwan is unbelievable. And yet it happened, and it will happen again. Wu tried to downplay the whole fiasco by trying to paint Jiang as a loose cannon, who did not have the blessings of his handlers in the Chinese Communist Party.

“Occasionally, there will be one or two Jiang Pings,” Wu said in the legislature. “It is unavoidable.” What he meant, in fact, was that there will always be a dozen Jiangs and they will continue to act in full coordination with their minders in Beijing whenever they get the chance. This is the Beijing playbook.

As seen in recent events this year, China doesn’t only try to push Japan around. It also tried to push the Philippines around in the aftermath of the tragic hostage crisis in Manila when a retired police officer shot up a bus full of Hong Kong tourists. When the policeman was buried in his home province, local authorities — in consultation with the dead man’s family — draped a Philippine flag over the coffin during the funeral.
China’s ambassador in Manila had the effrontery to demand that the Philippine flag be taken off the casket. When will China learn that it cannot dictate how other countries bury their dead, whether they be heroes or tragic saps?

What’s next? Beijing will tell US President Barack Obama how to tie his tie and what color shoes he can wear?

China is getting too big for its own britches and it’s high time the entire world call Beijing on the carpet and tell it to start behaving like a civilized country — if indeed it is a civilized country, and many old China hands have their doubts. Jiang’s obnoxious and prissy outburst in Tokyo was not an isolated incident.

Jiang should be listed as persona non grata in Taiwan and his unbecoming antics in Tokyo should be remembered by all of China’s neighbors in Asia anxiously watching Beijing’s so-called “peaceful rise” region-wide. China is about as peaceful as a slumbering volcano ready to vent. It bears careful watching, and not only by its neighbors. The West needs to wake up to Beijing’s shenanigans, too.

Jiang is a caricature of China’s brainwashed nationalists. He is not alone in his animosity toward Taiwan; there is a whole army of mind-controlled bureaucrats behind him, and he represents what China wants to become, if it is not checked by Tokyo, Washington, Canberra and London.

China is a master of international public relations and after basking in the 2008 Summer Olympics it thinks it can do whatever it wants, not only inside Beijing, but also in Tokyo and Manila and Washington. It won’t be long before another Jiang lurches forward at a press conference in Washington and tries to push another Falun Gong follower to the ground.
It’s going to get ugly.
(Dan Bloom is an American writer based in Taiwan).