2010年9月2日 星期四

Neo-Nazism in Taiwan ?

Neo-Nazism in Taiwan ?

According to Wikipedia, Nazism developed several theories concerning races. The Nazis claimed to scientifically measure a strict hierarchy among human races; at the top was the master race, the "Aryan Race", followed by lesser races. At the bottom of this hierarchy were parasitic races or "sub-humans".
Until recently, I naively assumed all those bias and racial prejudice were history. But I was wrong, terribly wrong.

For right here in Taiwan, the 2010/8/12 Editorial of China Post cited some similar hierarchy among different dialect groups in Taiwan (which some people feel more comfortable to be addressed as Chinese Taipei).

Several Excerpts of the Editorial:

1. Hakka and Hoklo, however have no standard or codified form, lacking prestige with respect to    Mandarin…

2. All young Hoklo and Hakka-speakers who converse better in a hodgepodge of the national language and their mother tongues. Mind you, they are corrupting Mandarin in the process…

These kind of irritating comments from China Post certainly will not help harmony among different ethnic groups in Taiwan. Taiwan Authority should do something about it, quickly! For even the autocratic Chinese Government would have hesitated to make such errant comments. The people in Hong Kong speak Canton Dialect in their official and casual life without fear of being labeled as “lacking prestige” or accused of “corrupting Mandarin” etc…

By Terry Huang

